Ruview: "Family That Drags Together Takes Out the Competition Together"

   First off, let me start off by saying after last nights episode I feel like: 

   I am so angry after last nights episode that I am going to summarize the first half of the episode realllll quick for you. The girls all had to make over their sisters or mothers to become their drag relatives, leading to a lot of emotional back stories which was nice but was completely ruined by an obvious idiotic mistake in the end... again.

   To the eyebrow lesson mid-episode: 

   Also, Is it bad that I kinda want to watch this awful Finding Prince Prostitute because I think it looks somewhat entertaining but I want to wait till it gets cancelled so I don't give it any ratings... just saying. #SorryImNotSorry

   Okay so onto the runway...

   O great, one of my 5 least favorite people, Aubrey Flatza(I mean Plaza) is the guest judge this week. Get ready for some awful jokes that she thinks is funny dry humor but really is just as flat as she is. 

   Detox, Alyssa and Katya killed it with their looks this week, Katya also added in another hilarious story-line which I loved. If someone should get points for creativity, Katya wins it this week. Roxxy comes out with the same basic sh*t she gives, every week #Shocking. Alaska kinda looks like she got a little too cocky this week and put no effort into her looks, definitely her worst. These two girls could have pushed it so much further, what happened?!

   Detox and Katya are in the top which is a no brainer this episode. So that gives us the bottom 3 of Alyssa, Roxxxy, and Alaska. Why are we still doing a bottom 3, why not a bottom 2 with one girl in the middle? They sit down and talk to them about who should go home and Alaska throws a childish fit and says she knows she didn't try this episode and was the worst but she deserves to be in the top three. She even offers to pay them money to keep her. Was this the producers way of showing a "weakness" of Alaska so they can hand her the crown in two weeks because at this point, just hand her the damn crown!

   So here we go... the lip sync for their LEGACY! (don't read past this point if you don't want the spoiler of who goes home) I feel like Katya purposely keeps losing her lip sync's so she doesn't have to be the one sending one of the girls home. She puts 300% effort into the rest of the competition but never the final lip sync...

   Detox wins the lip sync and starts explaining her reasoning as to who to eliminate by saying that Roxxy has been in the bottom but is her best friend, Alaska did the worst this week but has been in the top overall, and then Alyssa was just somewhere in the middle but isn't her friend. So then it comes time for her to announce who will go home...

   ... ALYSSA!? WTFFFF!!!!!

   GARBAGE! This sticking with your friends sh*t is garbage and these girls need to grow some balls and play fair. Where I thought this twist was a good idea in the beginning, it has proved to be a major fail. So let me say this, if the girls are actually the ones making these choices: You're either complete idiots or you saw Tati and Alyssa as complete threats to win this competition so you took them out... twice. If this is production making these decisions: You are being a bunch of idiots. I get it you want a social media boost and think this is a good idea. Well, you're wrong. First time, fine, a shocker, but to bring her back and do it again... just dumb and not enjoyable to even watch. Take your "shock factor" and shove it...


   Now if it was the girls that decided this, I have to say, I am officially #TeamKatya. Take down Relaxatox!

*** Extra note: Take notice to the center four in the promo pic.

...just saying.